my name is Igor Löser and I was born in Germany in 1968. I am a passionate collector of skat cards with a special cover on the front side. At the moment, my collection encompasses 2101 sets of cards.
You are welcome to complete and correct information on this site, I am happy about any feedback.
If you want to swap or buy some playing cards that you can find on this site, simply send me an email.(Disclaimer: this site is mainly dedicated to informational purposes, not to commercial sales.) I am always looking for special skat cards that I still miss. So if you have some which might interest me, please do not hesitate to contact me!
PS: For child and youth protection, I have removed or modified some images where people are scantily dressed.
Have fun exploring my collection!
ImprintImpressum / Kontakt
Igor Löser
Waldowstr. 34
13407 Berlin
Alle hier verwendeten Markennamen bzw. Produktnamen dienen nur zur Darstellung der Spiele, der Name ist gesetzlich geschützt und wird nur angegeben, um die Spiele zu beschreiben.